Welcome! We wish everyone who visits this website with good intentions, happiness, good fortune, peace, long life, good health. May each of us be served by our own condition. Please note this website has no affiliation whatsoever with PTS.
If you care about keeping Psychic Truth Society (PTS) open as one of the oldest and loveliest spiritualist churches in Liverpool, PLEASE STOP PTS President Terry Forsyth from closing down PTS and selling 44 Parkfield Road which is the home of Psychic Truth Society since the 1940's (see history below) and is right around the corner from trendy Lark Lane. The whole world is watching you! BTW: PTS was NOT founded solely by the McNaught family, that is incorrect. Please do review the 'PTS History Continued' and 'Other PTS documents'.
There is no website for PTS, no answering machine so the only way to find out what the schedule of services is to drop by 44 Parkfield Road and see these poorly maintained notice boards that can be easily observed from the road/sidewalk and are using old duct tape (finally replaced in late August 2017 with new notice boards that incorrectly stated that the McNaught family founded PTS, it did not--John McNaught was one of 3 co-founders and John's sister 'Lola' merely served as an PTS President and Trustee for many years--see history) which is falling apart and was originally used since 2009 to cross off some of the discontinued services--see photos from mid-July 2016 above.
ALERT (20 November 2015): PTS may have incurred substantial debt as records for 2014 recently submitted to the Charities Commission show that they spent over £20,139 and only had £11,570 leaving a deficit of £8,569 ! Has PTS gone into debt to finance this sizeable debt? In contrast, for the fiscal year ending 2013, PTS had expenses of £9,707 and income of £10,233. WHAT IS GOING ON? If PTS were collecting monthly rents from the flats instead of chasing out longterm renters and letting friends stay free over the past 14 years, they would be able to provide an income of at least (4 flats times 350/month)* or £16,800 per year. Looks like incurring more debt purposefully will be the end of PTS and force a sale. See 5 year income statement from figures taken from Charities Commission website. *44 Parkfield bldg could easily accommodate more than 4 flats, fyi, except that Mr. Forsyth has a history going back to the 1990s of refusing having toilets/bathrooms installed in individual rooms on upper floors. Mr. Forsyth is WONDERFUL at coming up with reasons why this is so and then making sure his comments are stricken from the PTS Meeting Minutes. His talent with obfuscation of the facts and ignoring what role he has played in the demise of PTS is WORLDCLASS. Let's not forget that Lola McNaught helped Forsyth get his first job at LFC 43 years when he was just 17 years old per several sources. Why don't you run for political office since you say one thing and do another and always have plenty of excuses to justify whatever you do?
ALERT (13 April 2016): www.psychictruthsociety.uk website was taken down sometime in December 2015. Anyone seeking to find out schedule for services will have to go in person to 44 Parkfield Road since the phone has been disconnected sometime in 2014 and the website taken down as of January 2016.
(12 Nov 2015) Looks like the new professional website for Psychic Truth Society (type in psychictruthsociety dot uk) features more than 10 (ten) photos of the 44 Parkfield Road property as if it were an advert for potential buyers.
The PTS' new website is so well done (bravo) that it appears to have been done by someone who is a highly talented website design professional, and the Contact webpage does state that there is no working ph number which was pointed out in a previous alert on 9 May 2014. It appears the new PTS website was published recently in mid-September (?) 2015, so it's been over a year that PTS has been without a website and lost several domain names due to lack of payment for annual renewal. The new PTS website perpetuates the myth that PTS was founded by just the McNaught family, that is disinformation. It was in fact founded by three founding members: John McNaught, Frank Bovenizer and Harold Joseph Olney per '1954 Freehold conveyance of 44 Parkfield' under Other PTS Documents.
John Healey is featured on their home page and one wonders if he's happy about being PTS's spiritual poster boy--John, is it really worth putting your face on the PTS home page, in the past he shied away from being front and center. Glad to see there are some new mediums featured at PTS services. Is PTS making a come back again? Someone has done some great work on the back garden and surrounding grounds or is the property being groomed for an upcoming auction in the near future to get a better price?
What's odd is that there are no names listed on the new PTS website under the "About" regarding PTS Executive Committee and elected positions. In fact, there are no new PTS Committee Members since 2008 listed on the Charity Commission website for PTS despite many promises over the years that Mr. Forsyth was "open" to having new PTS Committee Members and new PTS Officers. Back in the summer of 2008, Forsyth had enlisted the assistance of John Healey, Sharon Tso, Yvonne Hanson and Mary Stevenson to force out the previous PTS President and Vice President and other PTS Officers. Since July 2008, by and large these key individuals (Forsyth, Healey, Tso, Hanson and Stevenson) have remained as PTS officers and have largely agreed to whatever Forsyth has wanted since he's still the 'Boss', unless the Charity Commission names for PTS Offices haven't been properly updated.
According to the current Charity Commission's charity info for PTS as of 13 Nov 2015, Forsyth's handpicked PTS Committee is still largely intact, minus many PTS Committee members, appointed Officers and PTS members who resigned in frustration over the years or were forced to resign. When some of the still current PTS Committee members were asked why they agreed to Forsyth's invitation to become a PTS Committee Member and/or Officer back in the summer of 2008, they mentioned Forsyth had made several promises to donate money to PTS upon the distribution of proceeds from Lola McNaught's estate after she died in August 2005. Forsyth also promised his new group that he would do so much more for PTS than the then current PTS President Susan Matier and other PTS Officers. However, while Forsyth did contribute some small amounts in 2007 and 2008, each donation was relatively small, in the 3 digits or 4 digits, and he always made good excuses why larger donations weren't possible and then always moved to have his comments stricken from the minutes of the PTS Committee meetings. Could it be that Forsyth has utilized PTS in other ways? It remains to be seen since all correspondence mail is delivered to the Treasurer's home office per the Charities Commission website information instead of 44 Parkfield Road address.
Perhaps Forsyth is getting more desperate (and very angry about having anyone look into how he's been running PTS) since he became involved back in the 1990s with being on the "building improvement" committee which has practically guaranteed that the 44 Parkfield bldg would fall into a state of neglect and disrepair by refusing to have much needed improvements made to the existing flats and by eliminating a key source of income: throwing out the few tenants who paid their rent on time. Perhaps Forsyth is eager (shall we say "red-hot") to finally cash out on selling 44 Parkfield Road property after having spent nearly 15 years throwing out the previous tenants starting in 2001: once he got his name put on the land registry deed as a proprietor without first being approved by a special AGM election, one of his first acts was to throw out former PTS President Tommy Richardson who was confined to a wheelchair and couldn't walk and consequently became homeless and died within a short period of time (less than a year or so) after having lost his flat at 44 Parkfield Road of many years: http://www.thetruthaboutpsychictruthsociety.com/pts-history-continued.html
On the new Psychictruthsociety dot uk website, they don't include a ph number. It looks like the best way to reach anyone is to show up in the 25 minutes before the specific service as listed below on their "contact" webpage.
by landline telephone... No landline
by email (regarding this Website only)...
by visiting the Psychic Truth Society in person...
During the 25 minute window before Services and Meetings start:
Sunday afternoons: 2.30 p.m. to 2.55 p.m.
Monday evenings: 7.00 p.m. to 7.25 p.m.
Wednesday evenings: 7.00 p.m. to 7.25 p.m.
ALERT (09 May 2014): Please note that the only phone number listed for PTS since the 1950's, 0151-727-5500, is no longer working. When calling, there is no ringing, the phone call is instantly disconnected. There is no answering machine, there is no message stating that the phone number has been disconnected. What a shame if this phone number is lost. It is quite obvious what PTS President Terry Forsyth has in mind, first letting the website go offline, then the phone number.
ALERT (19 April 2014): Please note that the www.psychictruthsociety.co.uk website is no longer accessible because the domain name renewal fees have not been paid as the domain name expired on Feb 9, 2014. In fact as of April 3, 2014, this domain registration has been officially suspended--see document #5. Thus the website is offline. As of April 19th, there were still services going on at PTS, Sunday 3pm, Monday 7:30pm , Tuesday 7:45pm, Wednesday 7:30pm Open Circle but this may have changed.
The purpose of this website is 1) to provide the history of PTS along with public documents not available by PTS Committee Members, and 2) to shine a light and expose any unconstitutional failings of those Committee Members of the Psychic Truth Society who have previously and currently carry out their fiduciary duties in any manner detrimental to the church whether deliberate or otherwise.
Psychic Truth Society (PTS) was started in 1942 as a centre for spiritualism in Liverpool to help those cope with the loss of loved ones during WWII and was operated as a charity for and by members from the very beginning. PTS's main asset and in which the church itself, registered as a place of worship, is located is the property and house located at 44 Parkfield Road, Liverpool L17 4LF.
Sadly the Psychic Truth Society (PTS) spiritualist church located at 44 Parkfield Road, Liverpool, has been in decline ever since 2008 when Mr. Terry Forsyth (aka Terrence Forsyth) "took over" as President of PTS by forcing out then PTS President Susan Matier in the summer of 2008. But even before 2008, Forsyth spent many years on the PTS Committee on the "Building Committee" in the 1990s after he was appointed in 2001 to be a landholding trustee by Ms. McNaught without a vote by PTS members which was the first time that any trustees were appointed without first being voted on by PTS members. From 2001 to 2008, he routinely turned down nearly any improvement to 44 Parkfield Road which would have allowed more upstairs flats to be rented out but then allowed the installation of one tenant who was in rehab for drug addiction and was a friend of a PTS Committee Member: this tenant soon brought her children to live with her into the flat, and then stopped paying any rent shortly after moving in and finally had to be evicted for non-payment which took nearly a full year. One PTS Committee Member recalls seeing possible drop-offs being made on Sunday mornings while this "special tenant" continued living rent free. Was 44 Parkfield being used for ulterior purposes? Since Forsyth was "formally" voted in as President at the Annual General Meeting in February 2009, he has stood by promising alot but making excuses and then doing nothing, in breach of his fiduciary duty, while the evidence of the ongoing deterioration of the building is all too clear. This has made the likelihood that the spiritualist church will be forced to close its doors due to the building falling into a state of disrepair.
It is the opinion of many former members that should the church be closed owing to a lack of members and lack of interest; then the valuable property at 44 Parkfield Road, which was purchased by PTS members back in 1954, can be sold off to developers at a handsome profit to whoever may claim ownership legitimately or otherwise.** Mr. Forsyth has done a fantastic job to kill off interest in this church by creating a hostile environment for volunteers and guests and long time members so there is hardly anyone left to protest when he shuts the doors at 44 Parkfield Road, but we are watching you and the local law enforcement have been notified of the possibility regarding future acts of arson and other vandalism.
A brief history of the Psychic Truth Society (PTS) from 1942 to 1975
PTS was founded 1942 during WWII and based in Liverpool, England.
The members started in the late 1940s to raise money to purchase the current building located at 44 Parkfield Road, L17 4LF, using monies accumulated from considerable annual membership fees. (At a guinea per member this was considered a lot of money back in the 1940s) Accordingly money was saved over many years by many members to help purchase the property at 44 Parkfield Road room by room and floor by floor. By 1954, the members raised the capital to complete the purchase via their annual memberships fees and so the building was fully purchased by 1954. The founding members were John McNaught, Frank Bovenizer and Harold Joseph Olney. See the public document '1954 Freehold conveyance of 44 Parkfield' under Other PTS Documents . Unfortunately, all founding members died at an early age by 1958 and none of them listed 44 Parkfield Road in their respective wills; it can be ascertained that they viewed the property at 44 Parkfield Road was bought and paid for by PTS collectively, that is, by the membership of PTS.
In 1975 a restriction was placed on the building with the Charities Commission that made the Charities Commission the legal custodian of the 44 Parkfield Road property and this restriction was entered into the Birkenhead Land Registry in 1975. Also, in 1975 the PTS Committee also applied to the Charities Commission to become a charity but never completed the documentation. In May 2003, past Treasurer Alex Matier successfully completed the application that required over 5 years' worth of documents and had the application approved for PTS to become a fully registered charity #1097644 with the Charity Commission, despite strong objections from Mr. Terry Forsyth for some reason known only to himself. Why?
PTS members Muriel "Lola" McNaught, who was John McNaught's sister, Mabel Robertson, and Thomas Oldfield were voted upon and approved by the PTS members in 1975 to be trustees for the 44 Parkfield Road property. According to the PTS Constitution, trustees were approved every year by PTS members voting at the annual general meeting (AGM). Lola wrote and submitted a two page document to the Charities Commission that outlines the history of the PTS and how PTS came about buying the 44 Parkfield Road property. To access this public document in pdf format obtained from the Charities Commission under the Freedom of Information Act, go here: Other PTS Documents
This website provides a resource about PTS and is the work of many former PTS Committee members, PTS members and past-serving mediums. It provides access to 1) public documents, 2) history, 3) information about the ongoing decline of PTS and 4) personal testimonial stories about PTS. *DISCLAIMER: "This website is based in California , USA, and may contain personal views which may not be the views of the PTS (Psychic Truth Society) in Liverpool, UK, unless specifically stated. Any libellous statements therefore will be subject to California State and US Federal law and not UK law."
Psychic Truth Society was started in 1942, became a center for spiritualism in Liverpool to help those cope with the loss of loved ones during WWII and was operated as a charity for and by members from the very beginning. Because PTS's main asset, the property and house located at 44 Parkfield Road, Liverpool L17 4LF, has become so valuable, in the opinion of former PTS Committee Members, Members and Attendees, a struggle is being waged in order for some who can make a quick profit from the sale of this property. Current PTS President Terry Forsyth has been heard to say on several occasions that he and fellow PTS Committee member Mary Stevenson "oversee" how 44 Parkfield Road is used by PTS because they are trustees. Both are listed as 'proprietors' on the current land registry for 44 Parkfield Road but are in fact recognized as 'land holding trustees' by the Charities Commission.
Accordingly, Mary Stevenson, on behalf of Mr. Forsyth has declared in correspondence in April 2009 to the Charities Commission that: "I pledge to work and up hold the current constitution and remember our founders wishes and I have full knowledge that P.T.S. has full use of 44 Parkfield road and if we do not work in harmony and believe in the power of the cross we may revoke our right to stay in this building." This declaration has subsequently been proved to be false because no such undertaking has been evident since this statement was submitted to the Charities Commission. Although Mr. Forsyth and Ms. Stevenson as trustees do not own or control 44 Parkfield Road, this declaration implies otherwise. Land holding trustees must act upon what PTS members instruct at annual PTS Annual General Meeting's, not the other way around. According to documentary evidence, 44 Parkfield Road is owned by PTS members, not the land holding trustees. The current PTS Committee cannot give away 44 Parkfield to the landholding trustees because according to the Charities Commission, "Holding Trustees and Managing Trustees have no personal interest in the property of a charity, they simply hold title or administer. The proceeds of any disposal would go into the charity's accounts and be applicable in furtherance of its objects."
What is going on these days at Psychic Truth Society?
Despite the best efforts of some current PTS Committee members who struggle to keep the doors at PTS open, it is the experience of many former PTS Committee members, PTS members, past-serving mediums and volunteers that PTS offers an increasingly hostile environment since 2008. One example as such, PTS Committee members have been frequently forced off the Committee like Elaine Roberts after disagreeing with or criticizing the policies and decisions of PTS President Terry Forsyth or former Warden Denise Theophilus who was appointed by Forsyth and served as Warden for four years, and resigned in September 2013. Denise Theophilus, who formerly exerted a lot of influence, acted as Secretary when she was on the PTS Committee prior to 2010 and allegedly did so since in spite of the constitution stating that employees cannot be members. PTS Vice President Sharon Tso simply agrees with whatever decisions Forsyth makes as do the rest of that committee. As a result, PTS Committee members frequently resign or simply don't return after being harshly criticized, or poorly treated and made unwelcome by Forsyth and Tso. Overall, PTS membership and attendance is in decline since many have been refused or unable to renew their memberships, made to feel unwelcome or in some cases have been barred from attending PTS services altogether. Forsyth persistently fails, deliberately or otherwise, to adequately provide the leadership required in order to enable PTS to flourish as a church. He is allegedly the worst PTS President ever, he became President in the summer of 2008 by forcing out the previous PTS President in the opinion of many former PTS Members because it is thought by many that his real goal is to force PTS to close its doors and thus sell the 44 Parkfield Road property. Towards that end, he has recruited members to the PTS Committee who rubberstamp whatever he wants and benefit from the property being tied up.
When asked in August 2009 if the 44 Parkfield Road property was valuable in the now closed Tearoom after a service at which he chaired, Forsyth blurted out to one ex-member that the building (said Lola made him a trustee) would finally be extremely valuable if it were shelled and turned into flats, with no mention as to what his future plans were for PTS. He is an individual who is known to drive new cars and to take many long upper class cruises and overseas vacations over the years which frequently require that PTS Committee meetings be scheduled around his busy travel schedule. Despite having made a successful career in caring for the grounds of a well known football club, the grounds and gardens at 44 Parkfield Road are generally in a terrible state of decline. Some volunteers come once in awhile to remove leaves/branches from the car park from time to time.
The tea room was for the benefit for members to enjoy each other’s company and share experiences. It was also a source of revenue for PTS but in spite of this Forsythe ordered the tearoom be closed since it was considered to be a hotbed of gossip. Could it be that this was done as a “gagging” exercise in an attempt to prevent well deserved criticism by rightly concerned members, who care about the future of the church, of his feeble attempts to carry out the aims of the constitution of PTS. Clearly, according to a lot of the membership, this task is beyond his capacity to carry out. Perhaps he hasn’t the capacity or the necessary skills to do so.
Although his attendance has been and probably is still is lamentable Forsyth "chairs" a PTS service once every other month or so, it appears he goes through the motions sitting on the podium, invoking the memory of Lola McNaught in his deep and commanding voice, and avoids assisting with or giving readings as well as avoiding reading from anyone.
Why is that and where does his spirituality come from? Could he be afraid of someone looking deeply into his eyes and learning who/what he really is and that he doesn't care at all about spiritualism for the community, as long as it contributes to his authority and future expectation of profiting from the ongoing possession of 44 Parkfield Road for his friends, acquaintances and relatives (some of who are currently said to be residing at 44 Parkfield Road) and also the commercial development of the 44 Parkfield property since it is located at such a great location near trendy Lark Lane?
The exterior PTS notice board states “All are welcome.” This implies that its doors are open to all, but past experience by many proves that this is a misnomer. People are discriminated against at will;
· against those who cannot afford the suggested donation for services and;
· against those who ask searching and embarrassing questions about how PTS is being run at PTS AGM or committee meetings; they are simply ordered out of these meetings and usually later barred.
See 'Jean's story' about how Forsyth, during the 13 Feb 2009 AGM, yelled "shut up and leave the room now" at Jean Hughes, one of the oldest surviving PTS members who was then 81, in a wheelchair and had been a member for over 40 years even before she could make a single comment or ask a question to Forsyth at the meeting.
(NEW) See former PTS Committee Member Elaine Robert's Statement regarding the shameful bullying she experienced by Terry Forsyth and Denise Theophilus.
PTS refuses free entry to those, who cannot pay the suggested donation, such as those on a low income, or are seniors on fixed income unless they pay the full amount, usually up to £3, at the door. No discounts for students, seniors or low income. Those who can't pay the full "donation" are turned away. This is shameful since in the past PTS used to allow anyone to come,
In the past the church used to receive a steady income from the rental of the flats but this stopped being rented out on an annual basis in 2008/2009 when Forsyth took over. A few hours after Forsyth was formally voted President at the AGM February 13th 2009 evening meeting. Coincidentally, a fire caused damage to the only two flats on the second floor that were being rented out. The suspicious fire took place between 10pm and 11:30pm, shortly after the tenant had gone out with friends for a few hours. According to that tenant, who stated he never smoked inside the flat but rather sat next to an open window that opens up onto Parkfield Road when smoking. On the night of the fire he stated that he had extinguished the cigarette before he left to go out for the evening. That tenant also stated he rarely if ever went out at night as he was on a limited income and was disabled. The flat next door to him had recently been vacated and was empty. The official cause of the fire was listed as an electrical short. Isn’t it peculiar then that subsequently the committee blamed the cause on the tenant who was a smoker and used this as an excuse to evict him? Months later after the flats were repaired using funds from the consequential insurance claim, Forsythe appointed Theophilus to be the new Warden starting in May 2009 and allowed her to stay rent free. (Is this declared upon her income tax returns?)
Forsyth, President since February 2009, allegedly deliberately has created a hostile environment towards members, mediums and tenants because:
1) He has stripped memberships of several members unilaterally and unconstitutionally when he saw fit, without issuing proper 15 day written notice or taking up a discussion at a PTS Committee meeting as stated in the PTS Constitution and;
2) According to former PTS Committee Members, Forsyth was against spending money for much needed improvements like installing toilets in the upper flats at 44 Parkfield Road. He also was responsible for convincing then PTS President Lola McNaught to likewise turn down any material improvements as well to the building and to the flats on the premise that this was a waste of money.
Currently (as of 2012) NONE of the flats have separate toilets and so all of the upper flats must share one toilet above the landing and the lower basement flats share the lower toilet, and both toilets are in shabby condition. These improvements which Mr. Forsyth deliberately blocked since the late 1990s would have made it possible to rent out these flats at higher rents. Mr. Forsyth has made many promises to make investments in the building, but always comes up with excuses why it's just not possible. How very convenient!
In March 2012, the tearoom was finally closed as a "fire hazard" on order of PTS President Forsyth though according to one PTS Member 'George' who is a licensed electrician, none existed as he performed some minor electrical work. Forsyth appears to have finally succeeded in closing the tearoom which he attempted to do a year ago but was stopped by PTS members who complained. When the tearoom is closed, visitors are swiftly ushered out of the building as soon as services end. This website supports having the tearoom open, both before and after all services, not just when PTS Committee members show up and decide to open the tearoom because they want a cup of tea and a biscuit with friends after the hard work of showing up and chairing the services. Forsyth, backed by the PTS Committee Members who rubberstamp whatever Forsyth wants except for the Warden who wants to continue to live at 44 Parkfield Road without any other tenants, has succeeded in banning anyone from having a cup of tea/coffee by switching off the circuits to the electrical outlets in the Tea Room. THERE ARE NO ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS IN THE TEAROOM OR IN EITHER FLAT 1 OR FLAT2. Forsyth exaggerates as to possible electrical issues which he uses as a reason for closing the church as being unsafe. Allegedly; it's all about the money and all he wants is to close PTS and sell the building. We all pray for the continued safety of 44 Parkfield and that it is protected from those who seek to shut it down, and gut it and turn it into expensive apartments for sale.
With the recent apparent closure of the tearoom, it appears that Forsyth is getting ready to shut PTS and close its doors. It's been a slow process but Forsyth is very persistent: during the late 90s he methodically worked his way into Lola McNaught's inner circle and then into her last will and testament by making himself indispensible to her especially in the last few years of her life, (Lola died in August 2005) and as a result she changed her will to make him the primary beneficiary in her will with no restrictions. See Lola's will and probate. How every fortunate you were to inherit taxfree in 2005 nearly 250,000 pounds (not to mention all the taxfree "loans" of money Lola gave you in the years before her death).
Hostile Environment Alienates Members, Mediums and Volunteers
Former PTS Warden, Denise Theophilus, allegedy was responsible for causing an extremely hostile environment for not only attendees, mediums but also tenants. See this webpage for more information about the horrific treatment experienced by volunteers and the last tenants. Apparently the PTS Committee finally kicked her off since indeed, a warden as an employee cannot also be a member of the PTS Committee. It was also claimed by Forsyth that tenants cannot be members and as such used this as an excuse to unconstitutionally strip the membership of the last tenants in September 2010! Forsyth seemingly makes the rules up as he goes along without recourse to the constitution. Is it that he does not or cannot read the constitution? Does he even have one? During the meeting that stripped the tenants of their membership not one of the committee had a copy there, some even confessed that they had never had one. Forsyth had subdued the committee so deeply that they were asleep at the wheel. See former PTS Committee Member Elaine Robert's Statement.
Loss of Annual Rental Income and a Pattern of Harassing Long Term Tenants
Because the PTS Committee's decisions have resulted in recent years to not rent out any of the flats there is no annual income for 44 Parkfield Road apart from required donations for services received at the door.
Since 44 Parkfield Road was purchased in 1954, the rental of the flats has always contributed to the upkeep of the building. Without this income, PTS could not have been able to afford to keep the doors open since this money is necessary for ongoing upkeep of the building, utilities and to provide services.
This loss of income represents over £8,000 to £12,000 a year depending upon whether or not 2 or 3 flats are rented out. Also PTS must pay roughly £800 council tax on each of these empty flats which means a significant additional expense. As many as 5 to 6 flats could easily be rented out with little additional expense to renovate. One former PTS Committee Member, who recently resigned, did push unsuccessfully to get flats rented. It was Forsyth in 2008 who requested that tenants, starting with the Duffys who moved out in early Feb 2009, no longer be able to park in the car park even though it is empty most of the time except for services and can accommodate more than 15 cars.
Forsyth has deliberately instituted a policy of not making material improvements such as installing individual toilets in the upper/lower flats over the past 20 years despite repeated assurances that he would personally donate money from Lola's estate since he was the primary beneficiary. Forsyth has written out a few checks but in small amounts, generally not more than a few hundred pounds. Anyone who thinks that the building at 44 Parkfield Drive should be sold would of course be against making any material improvements to the building since that would be a waste of time if the building is sold and then "shelled" to make way for new flats.
Forsyth's decisions have resulted in the building to fall into a shabby condition. He is directly responsible for creating a hostile environment by punishing volunteers and former PTS Committee Members who have spent their time and efforts to stop this decline. He always points the finger at someone else to blame. He promises to assist financially and then comes up with all kinds of reasons why the project cannot be done after all. He is a master of the con. Congratulations Mr. Forsyth, you excel in the art of disception and getting others to believe in you at their expense.
Tenant's offer to pay higher monthly rent turned down
Despite offering to agree to an 18% rent increase, the last paying tenant at 44 Parkfield (who had volunteered many hours for PTS, just as the Duffy's did previously, during 2010), left in Dec 2010 after staying only a few months because Forsyth kept;
1. Sending harassing emails and,
2. Kept changing and adding new demands and,
3. Refused to provide that tenant with an updated tenancy agreement.
4. Restricted the tenants parking in the car park.
This last was despite having done so for several months with no complaint from Forsyth or anyone else. This tenant filed a complaint against PTS and Forsyth with the Liverpool Council Housing Options in hopes of getting help with mediation, but Forsyth still refused to provide an updated tenancy agreement even though PTS would have received more rent. This suggests a pattern of harassment against long-term tenants, and strongly suggests Forsyth and the PTS Committee do NOT want any long-term tenants. (See Shirley Aboufayed's statement at the end of Jean's Story.)
As long as 44 Parkfield Road has no paying tenants, the property can be put up for a quick sale at any time, thus perhaps this has been the MAIN REASON against renting out the flats and to force out paying tenants? Since the Warden pays no rent and has no rental agreement, she/he has no protection and can be asked to vacate the premises at any time by Forsyth despite whatever else he has said to her verbally as what happened to the former Warden, Ms. Theophilus in the spring of 2013 was given just one week's notice to vacate despite having recently undergone major surgery.
July 2008: Treasurer and President are forced out
Overall PTS membership and funds have declined significantly since Mr. Forsyth took control of the PTS Committee in July 2008 by co-opting onto the PTS Committee five new Committee members (Barbara Peterson, John Healy, Yvonne Hanson, Sharon Tso and Shirley Aboufayed) and forcing out the PTS Treasurer and PTS President, Alex and Sue Matier in July 2008. Without these five new PTS Committee members many of whom were new PTS members, Forsyth could not have forced out the Matiers. PTS Treasurer Alex Matier was responsible for completing the extensive paperwork for PTS to finally become a fully registered Charity Number 1097644 (this was announced at the Feb AGM 2005) with the Charities Commission on 22 May 2003 despite strong objections from Mr. Forsyth. Why was that?
September 2008: New Treasurer and PTS Secretary Resign
Elaine Roberts, PTS Secretary, and John Johnson, who took over as PTS Treasurer from Alex Matier, both resigned from the PTS Committee in September 2008 after being criticized for supporting the Duffys to continue their tenancy and writing a letter of recommendation to a housing agency so they could find another place to live. Ms. Theophilus spearheaded the drive to get rid of the Duffys, with full backing from Mr. Forsyth, as early as August 2008.
November 2008: PTS Committee member Barbara Peterson forced out
PTS Committee member Barbara Peterson was appointed to be the new Warden and lived in one of the flats 44 Parkfield Road for six weeks in the Fall of 2008 but was horribly treated by Ms. Theophilus and Ms. Tso as described by Shirley Aboufayed: "The woman Barbara that was on committee, she lived there for six weeks alone, done everything put up with tons of abuse and looked after the mediums, money etc, worked her ass off, THEY SH*T ON HER, she was suppose to get a flat at PTS they had promised her, she got SFA. Denise got it." Hence she resigned from the PTS Committee at the end of 2008. See Shirley's statement located at the end of Jean's Story.
PTS Membership and Attendance at Services is in Serious Decline
It has been suggested that the membership, along with the building and surrounding grounds have fallen into a state of decline since Mr. Forsyth has taken over as President of PTS because the property at 44 Parkfield Road is looked upon as extremely valuable. The lovely single family house built in 1900 at 44 Parkfield Road has 5 floors, has a carpark large enough for more than 15 cars, a front yard and back garden in need of work, and best of all, it is located at the corner of Aigburth and Parkfield Roads, just a few steps from trendy Lark Lane. Thus this property could be sold at a low appraisal price (obtained by Forsyth) which could be snapped up by a developer who could turn 44 Parkfield Road into a dozen flats for a quick profit. One past Treasurer remembers hearing of a very attractive offer by next door neighbor British Telecom (BT) who wants to expand and was eager to purchase the property at 44 Parkfield Road, Liverpool, L17 4LF. Despite 44 Parkfield being one of the first houses to have running water in Liverpool, it has never been a Grade II listed building as described by Mr. Forsyth, but it is located in a Conservation Area.
Who would profit besides the developer(s) or neighbors BT or Auckland College who could expand if such a situation arose such that the church would have to close its doors for good and put up 44 Parkfield Road for sale?
It has been suggested that by 1) deliberately implementing fees, 2) not renewing existing PTS memberships, 3) not renting out the flats, and 4) alienating members, mediums and volunteers, among other practices, that these policies have resulted in a steadily dwindling membership and attendance at PTS Services since Mr. Terry Forsyth took control of PTS in the summer of 2008.
It has been suggested that it is all about the money if the church closed and 44 Parkfield was to be sold. The proceeds, per paragraph 14 of the PTS Constitution, is said to benefit a likeminded charity. None other than Mr. Forsyth has recommended that proceeds from a sale of 44 Parkfield be used to purchase another property at a reduced price and the rest of the money be held in the McNaught Trust Fund per the last Feb 2011 AGM despite the fact that Lola McNaught never appointed Mr. Forsyth to be a trustee for the McNaught Trust Fund. HOW? (See Lola McNaught's Will and more PTS history) Where are the property deeds for 44 Parkfield Road, and why haven't they been available for PTS Members to see upon request since 2004?
Bottomline: PTS is a mere shadow of what it used to be: a spiritualist church that used to be a place where all were welcome, regardless of income, color or religion. Many longtime PTS Members and mediums have become alienated, have lost interest in PTS altogether and many members have stopped coming to services.
Sadly, in the opinion of a number of past members, by implementing policies that result in declining funds, membership and alienating members, mediums and volunteers, PTS has stopped being the vibrant center of spiritualism in Liverpool it used to be from 1942. Thankfully in spite of the lack of operating funds and declining attendance, PTS is still able to keep its doors open and is barely managing to avoid closing its doors. Moreover, some former PTS Members have lost interest in spiritualism altogether and have chosen to attend spiritualist churches elsewhere, which apparently appears to be the desired end result of some on the PTS Committee it has been claimed.
Psychic Truth Society (PTS) was started in 1942 as a centre for spiritualism in Liverpool to help those cope with the loss of loved ones during WWII and was operated as a charity for and by members from the very beginning. PTS's main asset and in which the church itself, registered as a place of worship, is located is the property and house located at 44 Parkfield Road, Liverpool L17 4LF.
Sadly the Psychic Truth Society (PTS) spiritualist church located at 44 Parkfield Road, Liverpool, has been in decline ever since 2008 when Mr. Terry Forsyth (aka Terrence Forsyth) "took over" as President of PTS by forcing out then PTS President Susan Matier in the summer of 2008. But even before 2008, Forsyth spent many years on the PTS Committee on the "Building Committee" in the 1990s after he was appointed in 2001 to be a landholding trustee by Ms. McNaught without a vote by PTS members which was the first time that any trustees were appointed without first being voted on by PTS members. From 2001 to 2008, he routinely turned down nearly any improvement to 44 Parkfield Road which would have allowed more upstairs flats to be rented out but then allowed the installation of one tenant who was in rehab for drug addiction and was a friend of a PTS Committee Member: this tenant soon brought her children to live with her into the flat, and then stopped paying any rent shortly after moving in and finally had to be evicted for non-payment which took nearly a full year. One PTS Committee Member recalls seeing possible drop-offs being made on Sunday mornings while this "special tenant" continued living rent free. Was 44 Parkfield being used for ulterior purposes? Since Forsyth was "formally" voted in as President at the Annual General Meeting in February 2009, he has stood by promising alot but making excuses and then doing nothing, in breach of his fiduciary duty, while the evidence of the ongoing deterioration of the building is all too clear. This has made the likelihood that the spiritualist church will be forced to close its doors due to the building falling into a state of disrepair.
It is the opinion of many former members that should the church be closed owing to a lack of members and lack of interest; then the valuable property at 44 Parkfield Road, which was purchased by PTS members back in 1954, can be sold off to developers at a handsome profit to whoever may claim ownership legitimately or otherwise.** Mr. Forsyth has done a fantastic job to kill off interest in this church by creating a hostile environment for volunteers and guests and long time members so there is hardly anyone left to protest when he shuts the doors at 44 Parkfield Road, but we are watching you and the local law enforcement have been notified of the possibility regarding future acts of arson and other vandalism.
A brief history of the Psychic Truth Society (PTS) from 1942 to 1975
PTS was founded 1942 during WWII and based in Liverpool, England.
The members started in the late 1940s to raise money to purchase the current building located at 44 Parkfield Road, L17 4LF, using monies accumulated from considerable annual membership fees. (At a guinea per member this was considered a lot of money back in the 1940s) Accordingly money was saved over many years by many members to help purchase the property at 44 Parkfield Road room by room and floor by floor. By 1954, the members raised the capital to complete the purchase via their annual memberships fees and so the building was fully purchased by 1954. The founding members were John McNaught, Frank Bovenizer and Harold Joseph Olney. See the public document '1954 Freehold conveyance of 44 Parkfield' under Other PTS Documents . Unfortunately, all founding members died at an early age by 1958 and none of them listed 44 Parkfield Road in their respective wills; it can be ascertained that they viewed the property at 44 Parkfield Road was bought and paid for by PTS collectively, that is, by the membership of PTS.
In 1975 a restriction was placed on the building with the Charities Commission that made the Charities Commission the legal custodian of the 44 Parkfield Road property and this restriction was entered into the Birkenhead Land Registry in 1975. Also, in 1975 the PTS Committee also applied to the Charities Commission to become a charity but never completed the documentation. In May 2003, past Treasurer Alex Matier successfully completed the application that required over 5 years' worth of documents and had the application approved for PTS to become a fully registered charity #1097644 with the Charity Commission, despite strong objections from Mr. Terry Forsyth for some reason known only to himself. Why?
PTS members Muriel "Lola" McNaught, who was John McNaught's sister, Mabel Robertson, and Thomas Oldfield were voted upon and approved by the PTS members in 1975 to be trustees for the 44 Parkfield Road property. According to the PTS Constitution, trustees were approved every year by PTS members voting at the annual general meeting (AGM). Lola wrote and submitted a two page document to the Charities Commission that outlines the history of the PTS and how PTS came about buying the 44 Parkfield Road property. To access this public document in pdf format obtained from the Charities Commission under the Freedom of Information Act, go here: Other PTS Documents
This website provides a resource about PTS and is the work of many former PTS Committee members, PTS members and past-serving mediums. It provides access to 1) public documents, 2) history, 3) information about the ongoing decline of PTS and 4) personal testimonial stories about PTS. *DISCLAIMER: "This website is based in California , USA, and may contain personal views which may not be the views of the PTS (Psychic Truth Society) in Liverpool, UK, unless specifically stated. Any libellous statements therefore will be subject to California State and US Federal law and not UK law."
Psychic Truth Society was started in 1942, became a center for spiritualism in Liverpool to help those cope with the loss of loved ones during WWII and was operated as a charity for and by members from the very beginning. Because PTS's main asset, the property and house located at 44 Parkfield Road, Liverpool L17 4LF, has become so valuable, in the opinion of former PTS Committee Members, Members and Attendees, a struggle is being waged in order for some who can make a quick profit from the sale of this property. Current PTS President Terry Forsyth has been heard to say on several occasions that he and fellow PTS Committee member Mary Stevenson "oversee" how 44 Parkfield Road is used by PTS because they are trustees. Both are listed as 'proprietors' on the current land registry for 44 Parkfield Road but are in fact recognized as 'land holding trustees' by the Charities Commission.
Accordingly, Mary Stevenson, on behalf of Mr. Forsyth has declared in correspondence in April 2009 to the Charities Commission that: "I pledge to work and up hold the current constitution and remember our founders wishes and I have full knowledge that P.T.S. has full use of 44 Parkfield road and if we do not work in harmony and believe in the power of the cross we may revoke our right to stay in this building." This declaration has subsequently been proved to be false because no such undertaking has been evident since this statement was submitted to the Charities Commission. Although Mr. Forsyth and Ms. Stevenson as trustees do not own or control 44 Parkfield Road, this declaration implies otherwise. Land holding trustees must act upon what PTS members instruct at annual PTS Annual General Meeting's, not the other way around. According to documentary evidence, 44 Parkfield Road is owned by PTS members, not the land holding trustees. The current PTS Committee cannot give away 44 Parkfield to the landholding trustees because according to the Charities Commission, "Holding Trustees and Managing Trustees have no personal interest in the property of a charity, they simply hold title or administer. The proceeds of any disposal would go into the charity's accounts and be applicable in furtherance of its objects."
What is going on these days at Psychic Truth Society?
Despite the best efforts of some current PTS Committee members who struggle to keep the doors at PTS open, it is the experience of many former PTS Committee members, PTS members, past-serving mediums and volunteers that PTS offers an increasingly hostile environment since 2008. One example as such, PTS Committee members have been frequently forced off the Committee like Elaine Roberts after disagreeing with or criticizing the policies and decisions of PTS President Terry Forsyth or former Warden Denise Theophilus who was appointed by Forsyth and served as Warden for four years, and resigned in September 2013. Denise Theophilus, who formerly exerted a lot of influence, acted as Secretary when she was on the PTS Committee prior to 2010 and allegedly did so since in spite of the constitution stating that employees cannot be members. PTS Vice President Sharon Tso simply agrees with whatever decisions Forsyth makes as do the rest of that committee. As a result, PTS Committee members frequently resign or simply don't return after being harshly criticized, or poorly treated and made unwelcome by Forsyth and Tso. Overall, PTS membership and attendance is in decline since many have been refused or unable to renew their memberships, made to feel unwelcome or in some cases have been barred from attending PTS services altogether. Forsyth persistently fails, deliberately or otherwise, to adequately provide the leadership required in order to enable PTS to flourish as a church. He is allegedly the worst PTS President ever, he became President in the summer of 2008 by forcing out the previous PTS President in the opinion of many former PTS Members because it is thought by many that his real goal is to force PTS to close its doors and thus sell the 44 Parkfield Road property. Towards that end, he has recruited members to the PTS Committee who rubberstamp whatever he wants and benefit from the property being tied up.
When asked in August 2009 if the 44 Parkfield Road property was valuable in the now closed Tearoom after a service at which he chaired, Forsyth blurted out to one ex-member that the building (said Lola made him a trustee) would finally be extremely valuable if it were shelled and turned into flats, with no mention as to what his future plans were for PTS. He is an individual who is known to drive new cars and to take many long upper class cruises and overseas vacations over the years which frequently require that PTS Committee meetings be scheduled around his busy travel schedule. Despite having made a successful career in caring for the grounds of a well known football club, the grounds and gardens at 44 Parkfield Road are generally in a terrible state of decline. Some volunteers come once in awhile to remove leaves/branches from the car park from time to time.
The tea room was for the benefit for members to enjoy each other’s company and share experiences. It was also a source of revenue for PTS but in spite of this Forsythe ordered the tearoom be closed since it was considered to be a hotbed of gossip. Could it be that this was done as a “gagging” exercise in an attempt to prevent well deserved criticism by rightly concerned members, who care about the future of the church, of his feeble attempts to carry out the aims of the constitution of PTS. Clearly, according to a lot of the membership, this task is beyond his capacity to carry out. Perhaps he hasn’t the capacity or the necessary skills to do so.
Although his attendance has been and probably is still is lamentable Forsyth "chairs" a PTS service once every other month or so, it appears he goes through the motions sitting on the podium, invoking the memory of Lola McNaught in his deep and commanding voice, and avoids assisting with or giving readings as well as avoiding reading from anyone.
Why is that and where does his spirituality come from? Could he be afraid of someone looking deeply into his eyes and learning who/what he really is and that he doesn't care at all about spiritualism for the community, as long as it contributes to his authority and future expectation of profiting from the ongoing possession of 44 Parkfield Road for his friends, acquaintances and relatives (some of who are currently said to be residing at 44 Parkfield Road) and also the commercial development of the 44 Parkfield property since it is located at such a great location near trendy Lark Lane?
The exterior PTS notice board states “All are welcome.” This implies that its doors are open to all, but past experience by many proves that this is a misnomer. People are discriminated against at will;
· against those who cannot afford the suggested donation for services and;
· against those who ask searching and embarrassing questions about how PTS is being run at PTS AGM or committee meetings; they are simply ordered out of these meetings and usually later barred.
See 'Jean's story' about how Forsyth, during the 13 Feb 2009 AGM, yelled "shut up and leave the room now" at Jean Hughes, one of the oldest surviving PTS members who was then 81, in a wheelchair and had been a member for over 40 years even before she could make a single comment or ask a question to Forsyth at the meeting.
(NEW) See former PTS Committee Member Elaine Robert's Statement regarding the shameful bullying she experienced by Terry Forsyth and Denise Theophilus.
PTS refuses free entry to those, who cannot pay the suggested donation, such as those on a low income, or are seniors on fixed income unless they pay the full amount, usually up to £3, at the door. No discounts for students, seniors or low income. Those who can't pay the full "donation" are turned away. This is shameful since in the past PTS used to allow anyone to come,
In the past the church used to receive a steady income from the rental of the flats but this stopped being rented out on an annual basis in 2008/2009 when Forsyth took over. A few hours after Forsyth was formally voted President at the AGM February 13th 2009 evening meeting. Coincidentally, a fire caused damage to the only two flats on the second floor that were being rented out. The suspicious fire took place between 10pm and 11:30pm, shortly after the tenant had gone out with friends for a few hours. According to that tenant, who stated he never smoked inside the flat but rather sat next to an open window that opens up onto Parkfield Road when smoking. On the night of the fire he stated that he had extinguished the cigarette before he left to go out for the evening. That tenant also stated he rarely if ever went out at night as he was on a limited income and was disabled. The flat next door to him had recently been vacated and was empty. The official cause of the fire was listed as an electrical short. Isn’t it peculiar then that subsequently the committee blamed the cause on the tenant who was a smoker and used this as an excuse to evict him? Months later after the flats were repaired using funds from the consequential insurance claim, Forsythe appointed Theophilus to be the new Warden starting in May 2009 and allowed her to stay rent free. (Is this declared upon her income tax returns?)
Forsyth, President since February 2009, allegedly deliberately has created a hostile environment towards members, mediums and tenants because:
1) He has stripped memberships of several members unilaterally and unconstitutionally when he saw fit, without issuing proper 15 day written notice or taking up a discussion at a PTS Committee meeting as stated in the PTS Constitution and;
2) According to former PTS Committee Members, Forsyth was against spending money for much needed improvements like installing toilets in the upper flats at 44 Parkfield Road. He also was responsible for convincing then PTS President Lola McNaught to likewise turn down any material improvements as well to the building and to the flats on the premise that this was a waste of money.
Currently (as of 2012) NONE of the flats have separate toilets and so all of the upper flats must share one toilet above the landing and the lower basement flats share the lower toilet, and both toilets are in shabby condition. These improvements which Mr. Forsyth deliberately blocked since the late 1990s would have made it possible to rent out these flats at higher rents. Mr. Forsyth has made many promises to make investments in the building, but always comes up with excuses why it's just not possible. How very convenient!
In March 2012, the tearoom was finally closed as a "fire hazard" on order of PTS President Forsyth though according to one PTS Member 'George' who is a licensed electrician, none existed as he performed some minor electrical work. Forsyth appears to have finally succeeded in closing the tearoom which he attempted to do a year ago but was stopped by PTS members who complained. When the tearoom is closed, visitors are swiftly ushered out of the building as soon as services end. This website supports having the tearoom open, both before and after all services, not just when PTS Committee members show up and decide to open the tearoom because they want a cup of tea and a biscuit with friends after the hard work of showing up and chairing the services. Forsyth, backed by the PTS Committee Members who rubberstamp whatever Forsyth wants except for the Warden who wants to continue to live at 44 Parkfield Road without any other tenants, has succeeded in banning anyone from having a cup of tea/coffee by switching off the circuits to the electrical outlets in the Tea Room. THERE ARE NO ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS IN THE TEAROOM OR IN EITHER FLAT 1 OR FLAT2. Forsyth exaggerates as to possible electrical issues which he uses as a reason for closing the church as being unsafe. Allegedly; it's all about the money and all he wants is to close PTS and sell the building. We all pray for the continued safety of 44 Parkfield and that it is protected from those who seek to shut it down, and gut it and turn it into expensive apartments for sale.
With the recent apparent closure of the tearoom, it appears that Forsyth is getting ready to shut PTS and close its doors. It's been a slow process but Forsyth is very persistent: during the late 90s he methodically worked his way into Lola McNaught's inner circle and then into her last will and testament by making himself indispensible to her especially in the last few years of her life, (Lola died in August 2005) and as a result she changed her will to make him the primary beneficiary in her will with no restrictions. See Lola's will and probate. How every fortunate you were to inherit taxfree in 2005 nearly 250,000 pounds (not to mention all the taxfree "loans" of money Lola gave you in the years before her death).
Hostile Environment Alienates Members, Mediums and Volunteers
Former PTS Warden, Denise Theophilus, allegedy was responsible for causing an extremely hostile environment for not only attendees, mediums but also tenants. See this webpage for more information about the horrific treatment experienced by volunteers and the last tenants. Apparently the PTS Committee finally kicked her off since indeed, a warden as an employee cannot also be a member of the PTS Committee. It was also claimed by Forsyth that tenants cannot be members and as such used this as an excuse to unconstitutionally strip the membership of the last tenants in September 2010! Forsyth seemingly makes the rules up as he goes along without recourse to the constitution. Is it that he does not or cannot read the constitution? Does he even have one? During the meeting that stripped the tenants of their membership not one of the committee had a copy there, some even confessed that they had never had one. Forsyth had subdued the committee so deeply that they were asleep at the wheel. See former PTS Committee Member Elaine Robert's Statement.
Loss of Annual Rental Income and a Pattern of Harassing Long Term Tenants
Because the PTS Committee's decisions have resulted in recent years to not rent out any of the flats there is no annual income for 44 Parkfield Road apart from required donations for services received at the door.
Since 44 Parkfield Road was purchased in 1954, the rental of the flats has always contributed to the upkeep of the building. Without this income, PTS could not have been able to afford to keep the doors open since this money is necessary for ongoing upkeep of the building, utilities and to provide services.
This loss of income represents over £8,000 to £12,000 a year depending upon whether or not 2 or 3 flats are rented out. Also PTS must pay roughly £800 council tax on each of these empty flats which means a significant additional expense. As many as 5 to 6 flats could easily be rented out with little additional expense to renovate. One former PTS Committee Member, who recently resigned, did push unsuccessfully to get flats rented. It was Forsyth in 2008 who requested that tenants, starting with the Duffys who moved out in early Feb 2009, no longer be able to park in the car park even though it is empty most of the time except for services and can accommodate more than 15 cars.
Forsyth has deliberately instituted a policy of not making material improvements such as installing individual toilets in the upper/lower flats over the past 20 years despite repeated assurances that he would personally donate money from Lola's estate since he was the primary beneficiary. Forsyth has written out a few checks but in small amounts, generally not more than a few hundred pounds. Anyone who thinks that the building at 44 Parkfield Drive should be sold would of course be against making any material improvements to the building since that would be a waste of time if the building is sold and then "shelled" to make way for new flats.
Forsyth's decisions have resulted in the building to fall into a shabby condition. He is directly responsible for creating a hostile environment by punishing volunteers and former PTS Committee Members who have spent their time and efforts to stop this decline. He always points the finger at someone else to blame. He promises to assist financially and then comes up with all kinds of reasons why the project cannot be done after all. He is a master of the con. Congratulations Mr. Forsyth, you excel in the art of disception and getting others to believe in you at their expense.
Tenant's offer to pay higher monthly rent turned down
Despite offering to agree to an 18% rent increase, the last paying tenant at 44 Parkfield (who had volunteered many hours for PTS, just as the Duffy's did previously, during 2010), left in Dec 2010 after staying only a few months because Forsyth kept;
1. Sending harassing emails and,
2. Kept changing and adding new demands and,
3. Refused to provide that tenant with an updated tenancy agreement.
4. Restricted the tenants parking in the car park.
This last was despite having done so for several months with no complaint from Forsyth or anyone else. This tenant filed a complaint against PTS and Forsyth with the Liverpool Council Housing Options in hopes of getting help with mediation, but Forsyth still refused to provide an updated tenancy agreement even though PTS would have received more rent. This suggests a pattern of harassment against long-term tenants, and strongly suggests Forsyth and the PTS Committee do NOT want any long-term tenants. (See Shirley Aboufayed's statement at the end of Jean's Story.)
As long as 44 Parkfield Road has no paying tenants, the property can be put up for a quick sale at any time, thus perhaps this has been the MAIN REASON against renting out the flats and to force out paying tenants? Since the Warden pays no rent and has no rental agreement, she/he has no protection and can be asked to vacate the premises at any time by Forsyth despite whatever else he has said to her verbally as what happened to the former Warden, Ms. Theophilus in the spring of 2013 was given just one week's notice to vacate despite having recently undergone major surgery.
July 2008: Treasurer and President are forced out
Overall PTS membership and funds have declined significantly since Mr. Forsyth took control of the PTS Committee in July 2008 by co-opting onto the PTS Committee five new Committee members (Barbara Peterson, John Healy, Yvonne Hanson, Sharon Tso and Shirley Aboufayed) and forcing out the PTS Treasurer and PTS President, Alex and Sue Matier in July 2008. Without these five new PTS Committee members many of whom were new PTS members, Forsyth could not have forced out the Matiers. PTS Treasurer Alex Matier was responsible for completing the extensive paperwork for PTS to finally become a fully registered Charity Number 1097644 (this was announced at the Feb AGM 2005) with the Charities Commission on 22 May 2003 despite strong objections from Mr. Forsyth. Why was that?
September 2008: New Treasurer and PTS Secretary Resign
Elaine Roberts, PTS Secretary, and John Johnson, who took over as PTS Treasurer from Alex Matier, both resigned from the PTS Committee in September 2008 after being criticized for supporting the Duffys to continue their tenancy and writing a letter of recommendation to a housing agency so they could find another place to live. Ms. Theophilus spearheaded the drive to get rid of the Duffys, with full backing from Mr. Forsyth, as early as August 2008.
November 2008: PTS Committee member Barbara Peterson forced out
PTS Committee member Barbara Peterson was appointed to be the new Warden and lived in one of the flats 44 Parkfield Road for six weeks in the Fall of 2008 but was horribly treated by Ms. Theophilus and Ms. Tso as described by Shirley Aboufayed: "The woman Barbara that was on committee, she lived there for six weeks alone, done everything put up with tons of abuse and looked after the mediums, money etc, worked her ass off, THEY SH*T ON HER, she was suppose to get a flat at PTS they had promised her, she got SFA. Denise got it." Hence she resigned from the PTS Committee at the end of 2008. See Shirley's statement located at the end of Jean's Story.
PTS Membership and Attendance at Services is in Serious Decline
It has been suggested that the membership, along with the building and surrounding grounds have fallen into a state of decline since Mr. Forsyth has taken over as President of PTS because the property at 44 Parkfield Road is looked upon as extremely valuable. The lovely single family house built in 1900 at 44 Parkfield Road has 5 floors, has a carpark large enough for more than 15 cars, a front yard and back garden in need of work, and best of all, it is located at the corner of Aigburth and Parkfield Roads, just a few steps from trendy Lark Lane. Thus this property could be sold at a low appraisal price (obtained by Forsyth) which could be snapped up by a developer who could turn 44 Parkfield Road into a dozen flats for a quick profit. One past Treasurer remembers hearing of a very attractive offer by next door neighbor British Telecom (BT) who wants to expand and was eager to purchase the property at 44 Parkfield Road, Liverpool, L17 4LF. Despite 44 Parkfield being one of the first houses to have running water in Liverpool, it has never been a Grade II listed building as described by Mr. Forsyth, but it is located in a Conservation Area.
Who would profit besides the developer(s) or neighbors BT or Auckland College who could expand if such a situation arose such that the church would have to close its doors for good and put up 44 Parkfield Road for sale?
It has been suggested that by 1) deliberately implementing fees, 2) not renewing existing PTS memberships, 3) not renting out the flats, and 4) alienating members, mediums and volunteers, among other practices, that these policies have resulted in a steadily dwindling membership and attendance at PTS Services since Mr. Terry Forsyth took control of PTS in the summer of 2008.
It has been suggested that it is all about the money if the church closed and 44 Parkfield was to be sold. The proceeds, per paragraph 14 of the PTS Constitution, is said to benefit a likeminded charity. None other than Mr. Forsyth has recommended that proceeds from a sale of 44 Parkfield be used to purchase another property at a reduced price and the rest of the money be held in the McNaught Trust Fund per the last Feb 2011 AGM despite the fact that Lola McNaught never appointed Mr. Forsyth to be a trustee for the McNaught Trust Fund. HOW? (See Lola McNaught's Will and more PTS history) Where are the property deeds for 44 Parkfield Road, and why haven't they been available for PTS Members to see upon request since 2004?
Bottomline: PTS is a mere shadow of what it used to be: a spiritualist church that used to be a place where all were welcome, regardless of income, color or religion. Many longtime PTS Members and mediums have become alienated, have lost interest in PTS altogether and many members have stopped coming to services.
Sadly, in the opinion of a number of past members, by implementing policies that result in declining funds, membership and alienating members, mediums and volunteers, PTS has stopped being the vibrant center of spiritualism in Liverpool it used to be from 1942. Thankfully in spite of the lack of operating funds and declining attendance, PTS is still able to keep its doors open and is barely managing to avoid closing its doors. Moreover, some former PTS Members have lost interest in spiritualism altogether and have chosen to attend spiritualist churches elsewhere, which apparently appears to be the desired end result of some on the PTS Committee it has been claimed.
To learn more about the history of PTS, go here:
History of Psychic Truth Society continued
**The content of this webpage and other webpages on this website, www.thetruthaboutpsychictruthsociety.com , is the strong opinion of several former PTS members and former PTS Committee members who have had PTS in their hearts (and not their pockets) since the 1970s.