Jean's Story
Jean Hughes and her friend Theresa were ordered to leave the PTS Annual General Meeting (AGM) in 13 Feb 2009 and were yelled at by Mr. Terry Forsyth to "shut up" after Jean had attempted to whisper a comment to Theresa who was sitting next to her.
Jean Hughes is 84, and had been going to PTS since she was 40 until the 13 Feb 2009 AGM meeting. Later that night a fire broke out in the flat above the sanctuary where PTS services are held, in Flat #2. After hearing that certain individuals have recently been making statements on several internet forums accusing Jean of having made racist and defamatory remarks to Denise Theophilus as Jean (who uses a wheelchair) was being wheeled out of the sanctuary at the 13 Feb 2009 PTS AGM, Jean has recently come forward to make the following statement below that she never used foul or racist language and in fact, she never actually said anything at all. She had, however, mouthed a comment directed to Denise as Jean (who uses a wheelchair) was being wheeled out of the sanctuary without using her voice. This comment “you should not be on the Committee. I’ll be glad to see when you are off the committee” did not use any foul or racist language whatsoever and was Jean's personal opinion. A few days after the 13 Feb 2009 AGM meeting, she resigned as a PTS member along with several other friends and relatives because of the rude treatment she received by Mr. Terry Forsyth and has never returned back to PTS.
Jean’s statement is supported by the statements of three witnesses Theresa and Debbie F. who were sitting with Jean, and Shirley Aboufayed, who was the former PTS Secretary and took minutes for this meeting. Shirley was sitting on the rostrum next to PTS Vice President Sharon Tso and PTS President Terry Forsyth and was less than 10 feet away from Jean. These four statements are listed below after the Editorial Comment.
What type of "behaviour" justifies Mr. Forsyth yelling at and bullying a then 81 year-old wheelchair-bound woman who had been a PTS member for 41 years? A woman who had been an acquaintance of Lola McNaught's since 1969 and had been attending services long before Mr. Forsyth ever attended a PTS service. Shame on you Mr. Forsyth and the PTS Committee for allowing this behaviour to continue at PTS since July 2008. Past Treasurer Alex Matier may have been considered as someone who would plainly speak his mind without regards to the consequences but he never yelled at or bullied PTS members like you have done, he never harassed tenants at 44 Parkfield Road, he was responsible for getting PTS to become a fully registered charity which took him nearly 2 years of hard work, and he left the PTS accounts with a sizeable credit balance of over £8,000 when you forced him off the PTS Committee in July 2008. And to think that Mr. Forsyth is the Chief Groundsman at a Premiership Football Club and that Lola McNaught is said to have helped him get his first job there in the 1980s. What happened to teamwork, working for the greater good and helping the spiritualist church that helped give you a start in your career? Being the President of PTS means more than just giving orders, letting 'Warden' Ms. Theophilus run PTS day to day as your right hand person, showing up once a month for the PTS Committee meetings, and chairing a PTS Service on a rare Monday night at which you invoke the name of Lola McNaught. Mr. Forsyth seems to relish having Ms. Theophilus on site where she can be his eyes and ears, and worst of all, he allows her to do whatever she wants precisely because her conduct creates a hostile environment. Mr. Forsyth has declared that if "if we do not work in harmony" that he can revoke PTS' use of the building--see the Overview at the top of the Home Page. It is unconscionable that Mr. Forsyth exploits her interpersonal difficulties to his advantage, to wind PTS down so as to make it easier to have PTS close its doors, and finally sell the property at a low appraisal price.
What is this all about, Mr. Forsyth? Jean voiced no comments or questions before you ordered her out of the meeting--she had turned to say a quiet word to her friend Theresa and was not speaking out loud. Only after she was being wheeled out did she mouth an opinion because she felt Ms. Theophilus didn't belong on the PTS Committee rostrum because she was new to PTS. But Mr. Forsyth had already decided to throw Jean out of the meeting before she even said a word. Is it any wonder that former members don't want to come back to PTS? But perhaps that's the desired endgame: declining membership and attendance (caused by an unfriendly environment for members, mediums and tenants) will eventually lead to PTS closing its doors so Mr. Forsyth can finally put 44 Parkfield Road up for sale. Is this how you want to be remembered? Sowing dissent and hostility for financial gain. Some day you will reap what you sow even if you do not believe in spiritualism yourself.
1. Jean Hughes' statement of what happened at the PTS 13 February 2009 AGM
31 January 2012
I normally would sit towards the back of the sanctuary, but for some reason I was motioned to sit up in the front row, where I was pushed up in front of Mr. Terry Forsyth on the rostrum so he had full view of my every move. My friend Theresa sat next to me.
I was surprised to see the long grey haired woman, Denise, sitting on the rostrum near Forsyth with the other PTS Committee members. She had only started coming round to PTS services a few months earlier and I had learned she was extremely hostile towards Ron and Carol Duffy when I discovered that she had removed a plant that I had brought to the sanctuary myself and stopped watering it because she thought it had been given by the Duffys (unpaid volunteers who were renting a flat at 44 Parkfield Road) and she was against anything that the Duffys were doing.
I took a plant for the rostrum in the sanctuary, it was there for weeks, then disappeared. I found it in the toilet area, dying because no one had watered it. I brought it back to the sanctuary. Someone, kept putting it back into the toilet area and refused to water it. Sue Presley told me that 'that someone' was Denise because she thought the plant had belonged to the Duffys whom she disliked and didn’t know that I had brought the plant.
Anyone who was friendly of Ron and Carol Duffy, and Alex and Sue Matier, Forsyth wanted out and Denise was one of a new group that supported Forsyth’s efforts to get rid of the Duffys who had been unpaid volunteers while renting one of the flats at 44 Parkfield Rd. (The Duffys had helped PTS because there was no Warden in the building). (Alex and Sue Matier were the previous Treasurer and President before being forced off the PTS Committee in July 2008.)
A visiting medium, Sue Presley, heard Denise say “there’s a few things that need to be thrown out of this place” and then saw Denise
glare at me.
So this set the atmosphere for the Feb 2009 PTS AGM meeting which was held on a Friday evening.
As Theresa was wheeling me up to the front of the room, I was shocked to see Denise up on the rostrum as a PTS Committee member because she was new to PTS and one has to be a PTS member for at least 3 years, not a few months but there she was. Denise sat on the other side of the rostrum, Forsyth sat front and center, next to Sharon.
I mouthed to Sharon “what is she doing on the committee” who was sitting directly in front of me on the rostrum. Sharon shook her head and put her finger to her mouth, motioning for me to not say a word.
Forsyth opened the meeting, saying “I promised Lola that I’ll keep PTS open…We have been informed that there is a rumor that the church doesn’t have any money, but I can tell you that the church has money...” After he talked an hour, he conducted the nominations. Forsyth wanted to know why I didn’t vote to approve his nomination because apparently everyone else present approved his nominations. So Forsyth was angry with me because I refused to vote for his nomination.
Forsyth announced: “I want to nominate Mary ….” And then shouts at me (in front of the packed audience), ”ARE YOU VOTING?!” Forsyth wanted all of his nominees unanimously appointed. After each nomination, Forsyth shouted at me “ARE YOU VOTING?”
I said, “I don’t vote for anyone I don’t know,” but I did raise my hand for the people I did know, even including Forsyth to be President in spite of him yelling at me.
After the nominations were done, someone started to ask a question, but Forsyth made sure there was no time left for anyone to ask questions after he talked.
I turned to Theresa to make a quiet comment to her, but before I got a chance, Forsyth noticed that my mouth was moving and thought I was talking in front of him to my friend. I had said nothing to Theresa before he started yelling at me.
Then he yelled at me: “SHUT UP” and “HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I ASKED YOU TO STOP TALKING?” in front of a packed audience.
He said to me to “Shut up and get out”.
Theresa stood up, for me and said, “You’ve no right to throw this lady out or talk to her that way.”
He asked her: “Who are you? Are you her carer? “
Theresa said "No, I’m her friend.”
Forsyth yelled at her: “You, you can get out too, get out."
Theresa said, “Is this a joke or is this a windup?”
Forsyth says: “No, leave now. If you don’t leave now, I’ll call the police.”
Red faced and extremely embarrassed, Theresa said “hmm”, began to wheel me out of the sanctuary.
As she wheeled me out of the meeting, I saw that Denise was glaring at me and mouthed/mimed these words as I passed her
“You should not be on the Committee. I’ll be glad to see when you are off the committee.” I looked directly at her and did not use my voice, so no one heard what I said because I didn’t voice the words.
I used no foul language whatsoever.
As Theresa had wheeled me out of the sanctuary, I heard Forsyth yelling at us again at the top of his lungs: “Stop there. That woman, don’t use language like that in this church”.
I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. All I had done was make a comment using my lips only to Denise, apparently she thought I had made some kind of a defamatory comment because she misinterpreted the phrase “when you are off”, but she assumed I had used foul language and had apparently told Forsyth.
After we left the sanctuary, we attempted to leave the building to go into the carpark but Forsyth’s car was blocking the front entrance. So we had to wait outside the sanctuary in the foyer until after the meeting was over. Theresa and I couldn't believe how poorly we were treated.
Forsyth who was instrumental in having me removed from the meeting. After the meeting ended, I learned from our friend Debbie who stayed behind that Forsyth had shouted at the end of the meeting "that woman is a racist" referring to me.
End of Jean H. Statement
2. Theresa (friend of Jean H.) statement regarding 13 Feb 2009 PTS AGM
12 February 2012:
Mr. Terry Forsyth yells at Jean who is sitting directly in front of him: “Will you shut up, will someone shut up that woman?”
I couldn’t believe what was happening since Jean hadn’t said a word to Mr. Forsyth and here Forsyth was yelling at her. I had wheeled Jean into the Sanctuary and was sitting next to her. So I stood up and said: “You’ve no right to talk to her that way or throw this lady out.
Forsyth continues shouting at me using a condescending tone of voice: “Are you her carer? Take this lady out.”
I reply back, “No, I’m her friend.”
Forsyth snaps back and yells at me in front everyone: “The two of you, get out.”
I said: “is this a joke?”
Forsyth continues shouting at me and Jean: “No, take this lady out or I’ll call the police.”
I had had enough of his yelling so I wheeled Jean out of the sanctuary. We waited in the foyer/outside because the wheelchair exit to the carpark was blocked by (Forsyth’s car) until the meeting ended and members could move their cars.
I never heard Jean say a word to Forsyth or to Denise. Our friend Debbie stayed behind to hear the rest of the meeting.
End of Theresa Statement
3. Debbie F. statement regarding Feb 2009 PTS AGM
15 February 2012:
There had been some unrest in the church leading up to this event. It seemed quite apparent to all people concerned (those mentioned above Ron, Sue, Alex and Carol, Theresa, Jean and many others), that a group had formed with the soul intention of ‘taking over’the church for their own gain.
On the night stated we attended the church as they were ‘electing’ a new committee. Sitting at the head on the rostrum was Terry Forsyth. He had already adopted a dogmatic stance and spoke in an agitated, aggressive manner. He then called out people who had been ‘elected’ to come forward and take their place at the committee table.
Jean was a little agitated and whispered to Theresa, about her displeasure. Jean tutted and shook her head – but did not make any comment or shout
out any remarks. Terry shouted at jean to “shut up” warning her that he would throw her or anyone else out of the church if they spoke when he was speaking. Again I found his behavior intimidating and threatening. He was clearly ready to stamp his authority and to all intense and purpose seemed to be goading Jean (and Theresa) for a reaction.
After a few minutes had elapsed Jean whispered again to Theresa. I was disgusted at what followed.
Terry Forsyth bellowed out to Jean to get out of the church. He said to Theresa “you! Carer, get her out”. Theresa said “I’m not her carer, I’m her friend”. He turned to Theresa and shouted “take her out. Now!”. Theresa said “is this a joke?”. Terry replied “no get out”.
Theresa stood up looking very embarrassed and had to push Jean out of the church in front of a packed audience.
It crossed my mind to get up and follow then I thought better of it.
He (Forsyth) looked pleased with himself as did some other members on the committee (notably Denise and her friend). He turned and looked at me a little taken back that I had stayed. He said, “that lady is has been coming out with racist comments all night. I’m not putting up with it”. This was untrue.
The meeting lasted approximately 20 minutes longer. Terry Forsyth concluded with by asking the question “has anyone got anything to add?” Again this was asked in an aggressive manner challenging those who dared respond.
I felt that the whole experience was a farce and had been engineered to eliminate members of the church who were no longer welcome.
End of Statement from Debbie
4. Shirley Aboufayed statement regarding 13 Feb 2009 AGM and on previous tenants
(Shirley sat on the rostrum next to Sharon Tso and was on PTS Committee from July 2008 to 2010)
20 February 2012
I can confirm Jean did not say anything racist towards anyone at PTS. I was the PTS Secretary and the minutes Secretary at the time Jean was supposed to have used racist remarks...There is not a mention of anything like that in the minutes for the Feb 2009 AGM. Here is the writeup about Jean, taken from a copy of the minutes for the 13 Feb 2009 AGM:
"The Chair requested Jean, a member, to leave the meeting as she had been disruptive. Mr. Forsyth advised, “This type of behaviour will not be tolerated any longer at PTS."
I remember well what happened, Jean was mumbling under her breath she could have been talking to her friend, I didn’t notice, I just heard Denise kicking up a fuss saying “if she’s not removed I'm leaving”, and of course Terry jumped in doing the big guy. They could have ignored her, or the least asked her nicely to leave. As I've said before this was on the cards for a while, ever since the plant... It was Denise who pressed Terry to put Jean out, she had started to wind Terry up about Jean from day one on committee. To be honest Denise had already decided Jean was to be barred well before the AGM, she had been accusing Jean of all sorts, yet no one ever witnessed these accusations, after reading about Jeans plant etc, it makes sense as to why Denise picked on Jean. Denise is controlling Terry and everyone else at PTS.
Jean, I'm so sorry I didn’t stand up for you the night of Feb 2009 AGM. I have never in my life seen anyone treat a person with such contempt for his or her human dignity. If someone done that to my mother I would be devastated. Shame on me and everyone else who were present that night for allowing Terry to treat you that way.
I do hope that you will again one day return to PTS your church of many years. I made a mistake I trusted Terry and the rest and I have learned a valuable lesson in life. I know you didn’t say anything racist or swear at anyone, you’ve told me a few home truths at times, I never took it to heart, you had a right to say how you feel without been targeted and shouted at. I did try to get Kevin on Committee but Terry tore the nomination list down, they hijacked us it was never my intention for Terry to take over PTS, and for long standing members to be forced out. I hope you can find in your heart to forgive me for my part in your unfair treatment.
Statement on Previous Tenants
Denise is a very jealous bitter woman with no remorse, or empathy....Denise had started to moan about tenants well before the Feb 2009 AGM...Terry wanted her to look after the building but refused to move in until the Duffys and the tenant in Flat #2 moved out. (She finally moved into PTS as Warden a few months after the Feb 2009 AGM.)... She never wanted any tenants to begin with...Terry doesn’t want anyone in the place.
The woman Barbara that was on committee, she lived there for six weeks alone, done everything put up with tons of abuse and looked after the mediums, money etc, worked her ass off, THEY SH*T ON HER, she was suppose to get a flat at PTS they had promised her, she got SFA. Denise got
it. She ended up having to get a government flat and Sharon and Denise were laughing about where they put her-it was in Everton. I felt like a pile of crap, I wouldn’t agree with that at all. I had a few run-ins with Denise and spoke to Terry about her, Sharon even agreed with me she needed to be
End of Statement from Shirley Aboufayed
Jean Hughes is 84, and had been going to PTS since she was 40 until the 13 Feb 2009 AGM meeting. Later that night a fire broke out in the flat above the sanctuary where PTS services are held, in Flat #2. After hearing that certain individuals have recently been making statements on several internet forums accusing Jean of having made racist and defamatory remarks to Denise Theophilus as Jean (who uses a wheelchair) was being wheeled out of the sanctuary at the 13 Feb 2009 PTS AGM, Jean has recently come forward to make the following statement below that she never used foul or racist language and in fact, she never actually said anything at all. She had, however, mouthed a comment directed to Denise as Jean (who uses a wheelchair) was being wheeled out of the sanctuary without using her voice. This comment “you should not be on the Committee. I’ll be glad to see when you are off the committee” did not use any foul or racist language whatsoever and was Jean's personal opinion. A few days after the 13 Feb 2009 AGM meeting, she resigned as a PTS member along with several other friends and relatives because of the rude treatment she received by Mr. Terry Forsyth and has never returned back to PTS.
Jean’s statement is supported by the statements of three witnesses Theresa and Debbie F. who were sitting with Jean, and Shirley Aboufayed, who was the former PTS Secretary and took minutes for this meeting. Shirley was sitting on the rostrum next to PTS Vice President Sharon Tso and PTS President Terry Forsyth and was less than 10 feet away from Jean. These four statements are listed below after the Editorial Comment.
What type of "behaviour" justifies Mr. Forsyth yelling at and bullying a then 81 year-old wheelchair-bound woman who had been a PTS member for 41 years? A woman who had been an acquaintance of Lola McNaught's since 1969 and had been attending services long before Mr. Forsyth ever attended a PTS service. Shame on you Mr. Forsyth and the PTS Committee for allowing this behaviour to continue at PTS since July 2008. Past Treasurer Alex Matier may have been considered as someone who would plainly speak his mind without regards to the consequences but he never yelled at or bullied PTS members like you have done, he never harassed tenants at 44 Parkfield Road, he was responsible for getting PTS to become a fully registered charity which took him nearly 2 years of hard work, and he left the PTS accounts with a sizeable credit balance of over £8,000 when you forced him off the PTS Committee in July 2008. And to think that Mr. Forsyth is the Chief Groundsman at a Premiership Football Club and that Lola McNaught is said to have helped him get his first job there in the 1980s. What happened to teamwork, working for the greater good and helping the spiritualist church that helped give you a start in your career? Being the President of PTS means more than just giving orders, letting 'Warden' Ms. Theophilus run PTS day to day as your right hand person, showing up once a month for the PTS Committee meetings, and chairing a PTS Service on a rare Monday night at which you invoke the name of Lola McNaught. Mr. Forsyth seems to relish having Ms. Theophilus on site where she can be his eyes and ears, and worst of all, he allows her to do whatever she wants precisely because her conduct creates a hostile environment. Mr. Forsyth has declared that if "if we do not work in harmony" that he can revoke PTS' use of the building--see the Overview at the top of the Home Page. It is unconscionable that Mr. Forsyth exploits her interpersonal difficulties to his advantage, to wind PTS down so as to make it easier to have PTS close its doors, and finally sell the property at a low appraisal price.
What is this all about, Mr. Forsyth? Jean voiced no comments or questions before you ordered her out of the meeting--she had turned to say a quiet word to her friend Theresa and was not speaking out loud. Only after she was being wheeled out did she mouth an opinion because she felt Ms. Theophilus didn't belong on the PTS Committee rostrum because she was new to PTS. But Mr. Forsyth had already decided to throw Jean out of the meeting before she even said a word. Is it any wonder that former members don't want to come back to PTS? But perhaps that's the desired endgame: declining membership and attendance (caused by an unfriendly environment for members, mediums and tenants) will eventually lead to PTS closing its doors so Mr. Forsyth can finally put 44 Parkfield Road up for sale. Is this how you want to be remembered? Sowing dissent and hostility for financial gain. Some day you will reap what you sow even if you do not believe in spiritualism yourself.
1. Jean Hughes' statement of what happened at the PTS 13 February 2009 AGM
31 January 2012
I normally would sit towards the back of the sanctuary, but for some reason I was motioned to sit up in the front row, where I was pushed up in front of Mr. Terry Forsyth on the rostrum so he had full view of my every move. My friend Theresa sat next to me.
I was surprised to see the long grey haired woman, Denise, sitting on the rostrum near Forsyth with the other PTS Committee members. She had only started coming round to PTS services a few months earlier and I had learned she was extremely hostile towards Ron and Carol Duffy when I discovered that she had removed a plant that I had brought to the sanctuary myself and stopped watering it because she thought it had been given by the Duffys (unpaid volunteers who were renting a flat at 44 Parkfield Road) and she was against anything that the Duffys were doing.
I took a plant for the rostrum in the sanctuary, it was there for weeks, then disappeared. I found it in the toilet area, dying because no one had watered it. I brought it back to the sanctuary. Someone, kept putting it back into the toilet area and refused to water it. Sue Presley told me that 'that someone' was Denise because she thought the plant had belonged to the Duffys whom she disliked and didn’t know that I had brought the plant.
Anyone who was friendly of Ron and Carol Duffy, and Alex and Sue Matier, Forsyth wanted out and Denise was one of a new group that supported Forsyth’s efforts to get rid of the Duffys who had been unpaid volunteers while renting one of the flats at 44 Parkfield Rd. (The Duffys had helped PTS because there was no Warden in the building). (Alex and Sue Matier were the previous Treasurer and President before being forced off the PTS Committee in July 2008.)
A visiting medium, Sue Presley, heard Denise say “there’s a few things that need to be thrown out of this place” and then saw Denise
glare at me.
So this set the atmosphere for the Feb 2009 PTS AGM meeting which was held on a Friday evening.
As Theresa was wheeling me up to the front of the room, I was shocked to see Denise up on the rostrum as a PTS Committee member because she was new to PTS and one has to be a PTS member for at least 3 years, not a few months but there she was. Denise sat on the other side of the rostrum, Forsyth sat front and center, next to Sharon.
I mouthed to Sharon “what is she doing on the committee” who was sitting directly in front of me on the rostrum. Sharon shook her head and put her finger to her mouth, motioning for me to not say a word.
Forsyth opened the meeting, saying “I promised Lola that I’ll keep PTS open…We have been informed that there is a rumor that the church doesn’t have any money, but I can tell you that the church has money...” After he talked an hour, he conducted the nominations. Forsyth wanted to know why I didn’t vote to approve his nomination because apparently everyone else present approved his nominations. So Forsyth was angry with me because I refused to vote for his nomination.
Forsyth announced: “I want to nominate Mary ….” And then shouts at me (in front of the packed audience), ”ARE YOU VOTING?!” Forsyth wanted all of his nominees unanimously appointed. After each nomination, Forsyth shouted at me “ARE YOU VOTING?”
I said, “I don’t vote for anyone I don’t know,” but I did raise my hand for the people I did know, even including Forsyth to be President in spite of him yelling at me.
After the nominations were done, someone started to ask a question, but Forsyth made sure there was no time left for anyone to ask questions after he talked.
I turned to Theresa to make a quiet comment to her, but before I got a chance, Forsyth noticed that my mouth was moving and thought I was talking in front of him to my friend. I had said nothing to Theresa before he started yelling at me.
Then he yelled at me: “SHUT UP” and “HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I ASKED YOU TO STOP TALKING?” in front of a packed audience.
He said to me to “Shut up and get out”.
Theresa stood up, for me and said, “You’ve no right to throw this lady out or talk to her that way.”
He asked her: “Who are you? Are you her carer? “
Theresa said "No, I’m her friend.”
Forsyth yelled at her: “You, you can get out too, get out."
Theresa said, “Is this a joke or is this a windup?”
Forsyth says: “No, leave now. If you don’t leave now, I’ll call the police.”
Red faced and extremely embarrassed, Theresa said “hmm”, began to wheel me out of the sanctuary.
As she wheeled me out of the meeting, I saw that Denise was glaring at me and mouthed/mimed these words as I passed her
“You should not be on the Committee. I’ll be glad to see when you are off the committee.” I looked directly at her and did not use my voice, so no one heard what I said because I didn’t voice the words.
I used no foul language whatsoever.
As Theresa had wheeled me out of the sanctuary, I heard Forsyth yelling at us again at the top of his lungs: “Stop there. That woman, don’t use language like that in this church”.
I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. All I had done was make a comment using my lips only to Denise, apparently she thought I had made some kind of a defamatory comment because she misinterpreted the phrase “when you are off”, but she assumed I had used foul language and had apparently told Forsyth.
After we left the sanctuary, we attempted to leave the building to go into the carpark but Forsyth’s car was blocking the front entrance. So we had to wait outside the sanctuary in the foyer until after the meeting was over. Theresa and I couldn't believe how poorly we were treated.
Forsyth who was instrumental in having me removed from the meeting. After the meeting ended, I learned from our friend Debbie who stayed behind that Forsyth had shouted at the end of the meeting "that woman is a racist" referring to me.
End of Jean H. Statement
2. Theresa (friend of Jean H.) statement regarding 13 Feb 2009 PTS AGM
12 February 2012:
Mr. Terry Forsyth yells at Jean who is sitting directly in front of him: “Will you shut up, will someone shut up that woman?”
I couldn’t believe what was happening since Jean hadn’t said a word to Mr. Forsyth and here Forsyth was yelling at her. I had wheeled Jean into the Sanctuary and was sitting next to her. So I stood up and said: “You’ve no right to talk to her that way or throw this lady out.
Forsyth continues shouting at me using a condescending tone of voice: “Are you her carer? Take this lady out.”
I reply back, “No, I’m her friend.”
Forsyth snaps back and yells at me in front everyone: “The two of you, get out.”
I said: “is this a joke?”
Forsyth continues shouting at me and Jean: “No, take this lady out or I’ll call the police.”
I had had enough of his yelling so I wheeled Jean out of the sanctuary. We waited in the foyer/outside because the wheelchair exit to the carpark was blocked by (Forsyth’s car) until the meeting ended and members could move their cars.
I never heard Jean say a word to Forsyth or to Denise. Our friend Debbie stayed behind to hear the rest of the meeting.
End of Theresa Statement
3. Debbie F. statement regarding Feb 2009 PTS AGM
15 February 2012:
There had been some unrest in the church leading up to this event. It seemed quite apparent to all people concerned (those mentioned above Ron, Sue, Alex and Carol, Theresa, Jean and many others), that a group had formed with the soul intention of ‘taking over’the church for their own gain.
On the night stated we attended the church as they were ‘electing’ a new committee. Sitting at the head on the rostrum was Terry Forsyth. He had already adopted a dogmatic stance and spoke in an agitated, aggressive manner. He then called out people who had been ‘elected’ to come forward and take their place at the committee table.
Jean was a little agitated and whispered to Theresa, about her displeasure. Jean tutted and shook her head – but did not make any comment or shout
out any remarks. Terry shouted at jean to “shut up” warning her that he would throw her or anyone else out of the church if they spoke when he was speaking. Again I found his behavior intimidating and threatening. He was clearly ready to stamp his authority and to all intense and purpose seemed to be goading Jean (and Theresa) for a reaction.
After a few minutes had elapsed Jean whispered again to Theresa. I was disgusted at what followed.
Terry Forsyth bellowed out to Jean to get out of the church. He said to Theresa “you! Carer, get her out”. Theresa said “I’m not her carer, I’m her friend”. He turned to Theresa and shouted “take her out. Now!”. Theresa said “is this a joke?”. Terry replied “no get out”.
Theresa stood up looking very embarrassed and had to push Jean out of the church in front of a packed audience.
It crossed my mind to get up and follow then I thought better of it.
He (Forsyth) looked pleased with himself as did some other members on the committee (notably Denise and her friend). He turned and looked at me a little taken back that I had stayed. He said, “that lady is has been coming out with racist comments all night. I’m not putting up with it”. This was untrue.
The meeting lasted approximately 20 minutes longer. Terry Forsyth concluded with by asking the question “has anyone got anything to add?” Again this was asked in an aggressive manner challenging those who dared respond.
I felt that the whole experience was a farce and had been engineered to eliminate members of the church who were no longer welcome.
End of Statement from Debbie
4. Shirley Aboufayed statement regarding 13 Feb 2009 AGM and on previous tenants
(Shirley sat on the rostrum next to Sharon Tso and was on PTS Committee from July 2008 to 2010)
20 February 2012
I can confirm Jean did not say anything racist towards anyone at PTS. I was the PTS Secretary and the minutes Secretary at the time Jean was supposed to have used racist remarks...There is not a mention of anything like that in the minutes for the Feb 2009 AGM. Here is the writeup about Jean, taken from a copy of the minutes for the 13 Feb 2009 AGM:
"The Chair requested Jean, a member, to leave the meeting as she had been disruptive. Mr. Forsyth advised, “This type of behaviour will not be tolerated any longer at PTS."
I remember well what happened, Jean was mumbling under her breath she could have been talking to her friend, I didn’t notice, I just heard Denise kicking up a fuss saying “if she’s not removed I'm leaving”, and of course Terry jumped in doing the big guy. They could have ignored her, or the least asked her nicely to leave. As I've said before this was on the cards for a while, ever since the plant... It was Denise who pressed Terry to put Jean out, she had started to wind Terry up about Jean from day one on committee. To be honest Denise had already decided Jean was to be barred well before the AGM, she had been accusing Jean of all sorts, yet no one ever witnessed these accusations, after reading about Jeans plant etc, it makes sense as to why Denise picked on Jean. Denise is controlling Terry and everyone else at PTS.
Jean, I'm so sorry I didn’t stand up for you the night of Feb 2009 AGM. I have never in my life seen anyone treat a person with such contempt for his or her human dignity. If someone done that to my mother I would be devastated. Shame on me and everyone else who were present that night for allowing Terry to treat you that way.
I do hope that you will again one day return to PTS your church of many years. I made a mistake I trusted Terry and the rest and I have learned a valuable lesson in life. I know you didn’t say anything racist or swear at anyone, you’ve told me a few home truths at times, I never took it to heart, you had a right to say how you feel without been targeted and shouted at. I did try to get Kevin on Committee but Terry tore the nomination list down, they hijacked us it was never my intention for Terry to take over PTS, and for long standing members to be forced out. I hope you can find in your heart to forgive me for my part in your unfair treatment.
Statement on Previous Tenants
Denise is a very jealous bitter woman with no remorse, or empathy....Denise had started to moan about tenants well before the Feb 2009 AGM...Terry wanted her to look after the building but refused to move in until the Duffys and the tenant in Flat #2 moved out. (She finally moved into PTS as Warden a few months after the Feb 2009 AGM.)... She never wanted any tenants to begin with...Terry doesn’t want anyone in the place.
The woman Barbara that was on committee, she lived there for six weeks alone, done everything put up with tons of abuse and looked after the mediums, money etc, worked her ass off, THEY SH*T ON HER, she was suppose to get a flat at PTS they had promised her, she got SFA. Denise got
it. She ended up having to get a government flat and Sharon and Denise were laughing about where they put her-it was in Everton. I felt like a pile of crap, I wouldn’t agree with that at all. I had a few run-ins with Denise and spoke to Terry about her, Sharon even agreed with me she needed to be
End of Statement from Shirley Aboufayed